A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie Review

A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie
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A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie ReviewRene is different, he is OCD and he knows he is. He has a fascination with Batman and superheroes and stays away from all things dealing with the number 13. He knows that other kids find him strange, but he is strangely comfortable in his own skin. Except there are always those few kids that make life miserable for kids like Rene. That kid is Johnny van Slyke. But one day after meeting Gio and becoming friends with him (or as close to friends as anyone has been with Rene) Rene stands up to Johnny and then Rene's life is turned upside down and that's when Rene really learns about life, how to live and who the true superheroes are.
I loved this book. Rene is different. I have never had much dealings with people with OCD but I believe Mr. Blackstone has done his research. He does not paint Rene as a freak or anything of the sort, he just has orders and beliefs and ways of doing things. We all do, just not to the extent that Rene does. I also like Gio. Gio seems cool and befriends Rene, but has problems of his own and through Rene light is shed on his problems. The book is deep but reads as a fun read. I really enjoyed being in Rene's head from the beginning of the book until the end and seeing him grow and change and not change too. It was a really fun ride and this is a book I will definitely encourage my son to read when he is just a little bit older. A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie was definitely a great read!
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