Stages: An Autobiography Review

Stages: An Autobiography
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Stages: An Autobiography ReviewI was honestly hoping for more. To me the book felt like a checklist of events and not anything that really made Jay Osmond the man he is. He hinted at important events and then left the reader hanging to fill in any kind of detail. THere was no real information, like what was is about Kandilyn Harris that made her stand out among all those other girls he dated.
Some of it was humourus, some of it informative, but I don't feel like I know the 'real' Jay Osmond any better for having read the book. I was hoping to really see how he thinks, and feels about the events of his life. I wanted to see what he thought were the pivitol moments in his life and why they were.
Next time I want a timeline of a life I will go to wikipedia.Stages: An Autobiography Overview

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